My first ever encounter with bitmasks happened about two years ago when I was looking into LDAP implementation with Node.js, apparently AD (Active Directory) is using bitmasks to create, control and manipulate user account’s properties (flags), which was very interesting. read more in Engineer's Notes...

When using Vanilla JavaScript in 2018, you should have full control over each DOM element at any time, with the ability to dynamically and programmatically alter the state of the any element in accordance with your application’s business logic and internal algorithms.read more in Engineer's Notes...

Text analysis and patterns are very interesting topics for me. I think every author has their own unique, distinctive pattern. The way they build sentences and phrases, not only in terms of tone, but the subconscious choices of word pairings and sequences. How their sentences begin and end, and what they put in the middle; they leave their cerebral fingerprints on paper, blog posts or even FaceBook status updates.read more in Engineer's Notes...

I have written some time ago about Algorithmic Trading, and how great it is for Software Engineers to exercise their brains with. I have provided some code snippets and a general logical guideline about the paths, goals and potential opportunities algorithmic trading can lead to. Now it is time to step it up and provide a ready to use, open sourced, personal trading application.read more in Engineer's Notes...

It all started when, as part of the continues improvement, we made some CSS refactoring changes for the lordandtaylor.com website and in order to roll changes out into production a complete visual regression was required.read more in Engineer's Notes...

Don't laugh at me because of my silly, old man's writing manner. You write that on the moon i.e. crescent, people live and tribes. It can not ever be possible because if there were people living on the moon the they would block moon's magic light with their houses and rich pastures. People can't live without the rain and it rains down not up to the moon.read more in Engineer's Notes...

Many experienced software developers usually cringe when come around JavaScript (voluntary or not) and it’s native language features as type coercion, concepts of “truthiness” and “falsiness ” etc.read more in Engineer's Notes...

I have learned quite a few of divisibility signs in I think 6th grade and this knowledge remains one of those useful things that I still use in my everyday life.read more in Engineer's Notes...

With our access to the stock market, algorithmic trading (algo-trading, black-box trading etc.) seems like very fun side-project, an attractive option for potentially increasing our wealth as well as a great brain exercise for developers.read more in Engineer's Notes...

Exposing my online behavior, habits and and patterns has always been a great concern for me. A single idea about my identity becoming a product someone can market and profit on is quite nasty, but it is so much more than that, it is also about personal security and privacy.read more in Engineer's Notes...